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Don't miss our upcoming events:
- Multiple DatesSun, 30 MarAll Saints' ChurchA weekly gathering expressing the depth of the Anglican tradition through music and liturgy
- Multiple DatesSun, 30 MarAll Saints' ChurchA weekly gathering that is open to any and all to experience the depth of God's embrace for them
- Multiple DatesMon, 31 MarThe Lounge @ All SaintsOpen to any and all, come along and join in a game of scrabble and get to know some others
- Multiple DatesTue, 01 AprThe Lounge @ All SaintsA free programme for those over 60 years that refreshes kitchen skills and teaches some new tricks and tips.
- Multiple DatesTue, 01 AprThe Octagon @ All SaintsA weekly afterschool group for those aged 5 to 13 years with games, activities and afternoon tea.
- Multiple DatesWed, 02 AprThe Lounge @ All SaintsA monthly breakfast open to any men that wish to attend, with a shared meal and a speaker
- Multiple DatesWed, 02 AprThe Octagon @ All SaintsA weekly gathering for those that love to craft, or who would love to learn
- Multiple DatesWed, 02 AprAll Saints' ChurchA spoken communion service for those seeking some spiritual nourishment during the week
- Multiple DatesThu, 03 AprTaradale Anglican ChurchThe Alpha course is a relaxed space where you can engage with questions of faith and life and meaning, all over a meal. No expectations, no silly questions, no demand that you agree with anyone else.
- Multiple DatesFri, 04 AprThe Octagon @ All SaintsA monthly gathering of fimlophiles who watch a movie, share some korero and enjoy a snack or two
- Multiple DatesTue, 08 AprThe Lounge @ All SaintsA group for those aged 8 to 13 years - fun, games, friends and opportunity to explore the Christian faith
- Multiple DatesWed, 09 AprThe Hall @ All SaintsA lunch for any and all that wish to join, with a 2 course meal all prepared for you! Koha appreciated
- Sat, 12 AprAll Saints' ChurchWhat is Easter without a good Easter egg hunt. Come down to All Saints' to share in some of the joy as we offer a range of hunts for little children through the older, and those adults who are young at heart.
- Multiple DatesMon, 14 Apr evening service of prayer, music and reflection for every day of Holy Week following Jesus' journey to the cross.
- Thu, 17 AprAll Saints' Church, TaradaleThursday, 17 April marks Maundy Thursday in the Church, the night we remember Jesus’ meal with his disciples. To celebrate, we want to invite you to a simple meal on us. Following the meal you are welcome to participate in the tradition of foot washing and stripping the altar-table.
- Fri, 18 AprBay Baptist ChurchJoin the churches of this part of Napier as we walk the cross from Bay Baptist Church in Greenmeadows through the city to Dolbel Reserve, praying, singing and gathering with others to acknowledge God's powerful work on Good Friday
- Fri, 18 AprAll Saints', TaradaleJoin us as we travel once again to the despair of the cross to explore the hope of humankind and the promise of life that can be found even in the darkest of moment. Designed for all, whether young or old, through music, liturgy and action we will explore the meaning of the cross.
- Sun, 20 AprTop of Dolbel ReserveJoin us for this amazing service as we celebrate the rising of the Son at sunrise atop Dolbel Reserve. Sharing in the sacrament and remembering the promise of the first Easter Sunday, this is a moving service that starts Easter Sunday powerfully.
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