Family Ministries
At Taradale Anglican Church, we know that raising young people is one of the greatest privileges and challenges. Not all of us have had the blessing of strong families or children of our own, but we know the blessing of a wider network of people or have been that aunty, uncle or cousin to someone else in their time of need.
In our church, we seek to be part of that village that helps you to raise resilient kids who understand the importance of good character and what it looks like to live a value-centred life. Whether that is through gatherings and events that support and resource you as parents or through our youth group, music and after-school programmes, we want to help you flourish as a family.
Check out some of the ministries we offer for children, young people and families below. This is a new and growing area of our church's life, so keep an eye out as other opportunities and events coming up.