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Junior Youth Famine Challenge

Updated: Jun 5

Many of you will remember the classic World Vision 40-hour famine, a challenge to young people to give something up for up to 40 hours, get sponsorship and raise money for an initiative somewhere around the world. This year, our Junior Youth Group is engaging with the famine once again and is looking for your help.

This year's famine is raising money in support of Timor-Leste, and particularly agricultural communities that are at the forefront of natural disasters and increasingly changeable weather patterns. the funds will help promote sustainable practices, reforest areas and support farmers.

The Junior Youth will be undertaken a mixture of 20 and 40 hour challenges, ranging from no food through to no talking and no devices or screens. As a group, we are hoping to raise $2,000 and that is where you may be able to help. Whether you know any of our youth group personally, you are able to engage with what they are doing through the 40 Hour Famine website, where you can receive updates and get a sense of how we are going with our fundraising.

If you feel like supporting this initiative is something you'd be interested in doing, click this link to go to the Famine webpage for our Junior Youth and donate there.

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