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The Bible and the Treaty: Hearing from Keith Newman

This coming Sunday, 4 February we are blessed to have joining us for our 8am and 10am services Keith Newman, author, poet and new writer on the relationship between the Treaty of Waitangi and the church.

Keith is well-known for his work Bible & Treaty: Missionaries Among the Maori-A New Perspective which helped to tell more clearly the relationship between the early Christian missionaries, the bible, the Māori language and Māori themselves. A copy of the book can be made available to you if you would like to read it, or the link above will help you to purchase one.

Keith will be speaking to us on the topic of the Bible and the Treaty of Waitangi, touching on some of the research from his book as well as more recent findings and work he has undertaken.

You are encouraged to share this news with all those you know who have an interest in the early missionary experience in Aotearoa New Zealand, as well as those who are convinced that the missionaries were only a negative impact upon Māori culture and community!

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