On Sunday, 14 July following morning services at All Saints in Taradale, Alan and Rob (Peoples' Warden) boarded a plane and began a long journey to Fiji.
They were undertaking the trip on behalf of the vestry of the parish, who are seeking to develop a parish-to-parish connection with the Parish of St Mark's, Newtown and particularly with the community of St Philip's, Nadawa. Newtown is based in Suva and serves some of the most under resourced communities in our province of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.
The two arrived in Suva on Monday morning to be greeted by Lanieta Tuiwaiwai, Priest in Charge of the Parish of St Mark's, Newtown, and her husband, an associate priest in the parish. They shared some of the stories of their community, of the recent response to 'revival' gatherings and of bustling ministries to young mothers. This latter part of their life as a church sees the Sunday congregation often filled with over 150 children, often representing 60% of the congregation. They also shared of the challenges that are faced in building maintenance; the water falls of rain that pour into the church due to leaks, the lack of resource to properly appoint the spaces and so a difficulty in offering certain ministries. They shared that the church's ministry in their parish is having a huge impact on individuals who are beset by poverty and who face trials of drug abuse, domestic violence, and general insecurity on a regular basis.
At St Philip's in Nadawa, Alan was shocked to see the level of development and residential growth that has occurred. Having visited the community 7 years ago with a youth group, it was almost unrecognisable. Thankfully, the church has now managed to secure the ownership the land for St Philip's, which will also secure the community that surrounds it. St Philip's is in desperate need of roofing and recladding, as the damage from years of salty air have left a mark on a building that will not stand for many more years as it is.
With the financial support the Parish of Taradale is able to offer to St Mark's, the believe they can secure the safety of St Philip's and St Mark's within a couple of years, which will not only bring a sense of pride to the communities that worship in them, but more importantly allow them to flourish in their ministry and give attention to the needs to the community they serve, one that come with great demand and challenge, but ministry with is incredibly rewarding.
Please uplift Lanieta, and the communities of St Marks and St Philips as we continue to navigate how we may be able to support each other as we grow to be communities that collaborate across the seas for the Kingdom of God!