Junior Youth Group
Gathering fortnightly on Tuesdays from 5 pm to 7 pm, this group begins with an experience of cooking dinner together before sharing in a meal. After this, we have some fun and games focussed around a teaching or idea before chatting about it together. After this, the young people are welcome to have some extra fun and games or quiet time chatting or playing board games.
While young people can invite friends and bring others along, for the purposes of catering and making sure we have enough of the items involved, we are asking people tor register their children with the form below. This also makes sure we have all the contact details needed, as well as the necessary information about allergies and food preferences.
Gatherings are $5 per family
(unless at a special event - you would be informed well beforehand)
The programme is run under the Children Protection and Safety Policy of the Anglican Diocese of Waiapu.
If you would like to register your child(ren) for the group, please click here if you are on a mobile device, or complete the form below. If there is more information you wish to share or the form doesn't quite fit your context, please email the office.